International Mandela Day - 18 July

Winter in Cape Town is a time in which poverty and homelessness become heightened social issues, because of the extremely harsh weather conditions. At the same time, the annual Mandela Day initiative coincides, taking place this 18 July, helping to bring hope and support to vulnerable communities.

Indigent people in South Africa are an inherent part of the cityscape, with hundreds of thousands of people homeless and living on the streets.

It is well-known that cash handouts are not a good solution for supporting people living on the streets  –  as these often serve to fuel the problem by funding addiction and other negative or self-perpetuating behaviour.

However, most of us would like to help in some way to combat poverty and inequality. For this reason, it’s important to work with known NGOs, nonprofits or charities, who have built social infrastructures and relationships that have longevity.

MES Cape Town - Mould, Empower, Serve

Mould, Empower, Serve  –  how the City Improvement Districts are working with MES

MES Cape Town is a key partner in the mission to sustainably rehome the homeless across various City Improvement Districts. Their extensive network of outreach and social relief programs provides the vital reach and resources our CID needs. Additionally, their responsive help desk is always available to assist with the immediate and short-term needs of the homeless and unemployed community.

We work closely with MES to identify individuals for casual labour on specific projects. Their team actively scouts promising candidates, placing them with us each week on a probationary basis as one of our on-the-ground workers, fondly known as our “Green Ants”. For those who show dedication, we offer pathways for them to become supervisors and advance their training, making them valuable members of our workforce in a way that allows us to support their growth.

To ensure the funds generated through our partnership are used effectively, we pay stipends directly to MES, which helps cover their living expenses sustainably throughout their stay.

Winter Hope 2024

MES is running a WinterHope campaign until the end of July, in a mission to spread hope and warmth this winter, by gathering essential items such as warm clothing, blankets, and nourishing food supplies.

Visit MES @mouldempowerserve on Facebook, or @mesorgsa on Instagram, to see causes near you to support this winter.

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WID boundary extension
  • At the WID Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 16 October 2023 the Members of the WID approved an amended business plan in support of the proposed boundary expansion, as required in terms of section 26(2)(b) of the City of Cape Town: City Improvement District By-law, 2023 (the “By-law”).
  • In terms of section 26(2)(f)(i) of the By-law, the AGM resolution referred to in paragraph 1 above (attached as Annexure A) is available on the WID website,
  • The proposed boundary expansion will include properties in the area. A map depicting these geographical boundaries is attached hereto as Annexure B.
  • In terms of section 26(2)(f)(ii) of the By-law, Additional Rate Payers (ARPs) in the WID were informed of their right to submit a written objection to the proposed expansion of the WID.
  • The WID is a Mixed-Use Improvement District with a rates base value consisting of less than 40% of residential property, in terms of section 26(2)(f)(iii) of the By-law, Council may approve the amendment if written objections are not received from at least, 50% plus 1 of ARPs of the WID.
  • In terms of section 26(2)(g) of the By-law, Following the public meetings held on the 16 November 2023 and 22 May 2024 the local community, ARPs and proposed ARPs were provided with a 30-day period to submit comments on the amended business plan. No comments were received.
  • The Application to amend the WID geographical boundary will now be submitted to Council for consideration.


  • By die WID se algemene jaarvergadering gehou op 16 Oktober 2023 het die lede van die WID ’n gewysigde sakeplan ten gunste van die voorgestelde grensuitbreiding goedgekeur, soos vereis ingevolge artikel 26(2)(b) van die Stad Kaapstad: Verordening op Stadsverbeteringsdistrikte, 2023 (die “Verordening”).
  • Ingevolge artikel 26(2)(f)(i) van die Verordening is die besluit waarna in paragraaf 1 hier bo verwys word op die WID-webwerf beskikbaar (aangeheg as bylae A).
  • Die voorgestelde grensuitbreiding sal eiendomme in die gebied insluit. ’n Kaart wat hierdie geografiese grense uitbeeld is aangeheg as bylae B.
    Ingevolge artikel 26(2)(f)(ii) van die Verordening is betalers van addisionele belasting (ARP’s) in die WID ingelig oor hul reg om skriftelik beswaar teen die voorgestelde uitbreiding van die WID aan te teken.
  • Die WID is ’n gemengdegebruikverbeteringsdistrik met ’n eiendomsbelastingbasiswaarde wat uit minder as 40% residensiële eiendom bestaan, en ingevolge artikel 26(2)(f)(iii) van die Verordening, kan die Raad die wysiging goedkeur tensy skriftelike besware van minstens 50% plus 1 van die ARP’s van die WID ontvang word.
  • Ingevolge artikel 26(2)(g) van die Verordening, na die hou van openbare vergaderings op 16 November 2023 en 22 Mei 2024, is die plaaslike gemeenskap, ARP’s en voorgestelde ARP’s ’n 30-dae-tydperk gebied om kommentaar oor die gewysigde sakeplan in te dien. Geen kommentaar is ontvang nie.
  • Die aansoek om die WID se geografiese grens te wysig, word nou vir oorweging aan die Raad voorgelê.

Annexure A


Annexure B

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