Proposed major revamp of Wynberg public transport interchange
The City of Cape Town The City of Cape Town has developed a concept plan for the major refurbishment of the Wynberg public transport interchange (PTI). The plan is now available for public comment until 9 December 2022.
The current facility, situated in the vicinity of the Wynberg railway station, is rundown and stretched way beyond its capacity with nearly 48 000 commuters, 1 500 minibus-taxis and GABS buses making use of the PTI on a daily basis.
‘The proposed concept plan gives the public an idea of how the City intends to upgrade the PTI with two new minibus-taxi facilities, two MyCiTi stations, walking and cycling lanes, and upgrades to surrounding roads to improve traffic flow. We intend to invest a substantial amount in the upgrade which will have an immediate impact on the Wynberg CBD and surrounding neighbourhood. This will spur much needed rejuvenation in conjunction with the provision of world-class public transport facilities,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Mobility, Councillor Rob Quintas.

The concept design for the refurbished PTI proposes two minibus-taxi facilities:
- The new and upgraded facilities will be located to the north and east of the Wynberg railway station
- A new facility with two levels, to be located between Brisbane Road and Morom Road, bordering Wetton and Broad Roads. The ground level of the facility will be for minibus-taxis serving the Cape Town CBD and the upper level will be for minibus-taxis serving the metro-south east
- An upgraded single level facility, located between Ottery Road and the railway line, will be for minibus-taxis serving destinations in Grassy Park and the South
- Two new stations for the future MyCiTi service, located along Station Road, and a realigned Sussex Road, will be constructed
- Drop-off and pick-up points for GABS buses will be provided
‘We want to create a Wynberg PTI that is modern, functional, efficient, convenient, safe, dignified and clean and where commuters can easily transfer between the different modes of transport, from passenger rail to minibus-taxis, GABS, and the MyCiTi service.
‘The current PTI is in a poor state, partly because of a lack of investment in prior years, and also because the facility is not nearly big enough to accommodate all of the commuters and operators using this space. The surrounding transport infrastructure – these are the roads and walkways – is old, and insufficient for the traffic volume, be it for pedestrians, or vehicles.
‘The proposed concept design aims to address all of these challenges, while at the same time making provision for the roll-out of the MyCiTi service to Wynberg within the next few years. I encourage residents, commuters, operators and business owners to submit their comments on the proposal and to join our effort in giving this part of Wynberg a significant capital injection,’ said Councillor Quintas.
Facts about the proposed refurbishment of the Wynberg PTI:
- The new and upgraded facilities will be located to the north and east of the Wynberg railway station
- Will cover an area of approximately 25 000m², with additional bus and walking and cycling lanes, road upgrades, hard and soft landscaping
- Will add sufficient capacity to accommodate the current and projected demands for public transport users and operators
- Will include holding areas for minibus-taxis between peak-hour periods
- Will include offices, washing facilities, ablutions, security and cleaning services for the minibus-taxi operators
- Will include ablution facilities and universally accessible walkways and ramps for commuters, covered loading lanes and waiting areas
- Will ensure commuters can seamlessly and conveniently transfer between passenger rail, minibus-taxis, GABS, and the MyCiTi bus service
- Will improve general safety and security through design elements, and additional lighting
- Will include facilities for traders on the ground floor and first levels to coincide with pedestrian movement – thus, having the traders where the most visitors are. A trading plan will be developed by Economic Development, in conjunction with the local traders
- Will include a MyCiTi station and holding bays on both the east and west side of the Wynberg railway station and Prasa railway tracks
- Will include holding and loading bays for GABS
Proposed upgrades to surrounding roads:
- The vehicle underpass under the railway tracks and its access ramps will be turned into a pedestrian only-zone
- The existing pedestrian underpass under the railway tracks to the south of the railway station will be upgraded
- Maynard Road between Main and Station Roads will be pedestrian friendly
- The link between Morom and Station Roads will be closed at Church Street
- Sussex Road, past the existing eastern taxi facility, will be realigned to allow more space for the new eastern minibus-taxi facility
- The northern end of Sussex Road will be realigned into Bexhill Road to facilitate access to the Wynberg Mosque
- The realigned intersection of Sussex and Ottery Roads will be signalised
- The intersection of Morom and Wetton Roads may be signalised, pending further investigations
- A west-to-north right-turn lane will be added to Broad Road at the Broad and Brisbane Roads intersection
- The realigned Sussex Road will be a one-way southbound, reserved for buses
- Maynard Road, currently a one-way westbound, will be converted to a one-way eastbound
- Church Street, between Main Road and Station Road, currently a one-way eastbound, will be converted to a one-way westbound

Currently, due to the capacity constraints, minibus-taxis are obstructing walkways. However, the new PTI will provide holding facilities and the whole area will be turned into a pedestrian-friendly environment with universally accessible walkways with design elements to improve safety and security, and additional lighting.
The proposed one-way road conversions, and upgraded intersections will assist with traffic flow, and smooth the road-based public transport services to ensure efficient operations.
‘The minibus-taxi operators will greatly benefit. Each operator from the West-North; West-South; and East, will have their own dedicated operations area, with their own facilities and dedicated entrance and exit routes. There will be sufficient space for ranking, drop-and-go, and parking between peaks. This over and above facilities to meet, rest, and so forth. I encourage the minibus-taxi industry and operators to keep on engaging with us about the proposed plan. It is our intention to provide new facilities that will bring order and flow to minibus-taxi operations, which will save operators and commuters time and money.
‘Furthermore, the investment will have a positive impact on local businesses, and all other visitors using the roads or pedestrianised areas. As this rejuvenation expands, the whole of Wynberg sets to benefit, inclusive of local residents and property owners. I want to assure all that this concept design is not final. We will consider all comments and proposals that we receive from stakeholders and residents, and interested and affected parties in coming weeks, and use this in finalising the detailed design,’ said Councillor Quintas.
If all goes as planned, the detailed design should be concluded by the end of 2023.
Published by:
City of Cape Town, Media Office